Gathering of NRV Master Gardeners
New River Valley Master Gardeners celebrated many of their 2018 accomplishments at a wonderful, fun and informative gathering on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg. This was a potluck affair and the food was delish!
Many joined together to celebrate:
- Master Gardener Interns becoming official Master Gardeners
- Successful completion of many projects and programs in the NRV
- The outstanding Master Gardener Program in the New River Valley
- Gwen Ewing winning the title of NRV Master Gardener of the year for her many volunteer hours
At the Master Gardener Association Annual Meeting that occurred the same evening there was:
- Presentation of the slate of officers for 2019 Ballot
- Call for additional nominations from the floor
- Opportunity for all Master Gardeners to join the Association
If you are a member of the NRV Master Gardener Association watch for the electronic ballot and vote for your officers for 2019.