Over the Years
As of 2017
By Gwen Ewing, MGA President, 1992
- The NRV Master Gardener Association board members changed yearly.
- The Master Gardener Coordinator also changed: from Ellen Steward to Wendy Silverman to Leslie Mathews to Deanna Reid.
- The VCE Extension agent also changed: from Joe Hunnings, to Jim May, to Doug Harris, to Barry Robinson, and to the awesome Kelli Scott.
- The Grapevine newsletters are almost identical with articles, recipes, monthly minutes, summaries of the monthly meeting, letter from the president, pictures and introduction of new programs such as Share the Spare, Fundraising/Plant Sale.
- The first plant sale was held in May 2012. We moved the May Potluck to Thursday night, use Friday to price plants and be fresh to set up and sell the plant sale on Saturday morning starting at 5 am.
- Reporting hours is now completed online rather than on paper
- We still help with the Friends of the Library Garden Tour
- We spend our fund-raised dollars on Grants and Mini Grants
- Our NRV MG logo was updated in 2015
- Our tri-fold brag board was bought in 2012,
- Christiansburg Farmers Market and the Farmacy Garden were founded in 2015.
- Rain barrel workshops were held regularly
- Revised the Bylaws and Standing Rules
- Association members earned hours at MG College by being room monitors, driving the vans and attending the sessions for knowledge
- We helped fill a cookbook with recipes
- Tried our hands at a fall plant sale.